Happy New Year!


Thanks to everyone who reads (and wanks off to) my silly little hobby of blogging. Over the last year, I’ve been approached by a some really fantastic people at Kink Events and random places like Sidetrack’s “Showtunes” night, UPS store and my Gym Locker room. You’re all really cool and sweet people. Thank you for the compliments, blogging material and … Sex. LOL!

Best Wishes to you all in 2010!

See you at MAL?


RealJock Muscle Building 12 Week Program

So, I’ve been really bored with my workout routines. I decided to try the RealJock Muscle Building 12 Week Program. I’m impressed and really digging this website. It’s like BigMuscle, but besides being a website to meet others who love working out (and want to fuck), it has incredible workout tips, diets and a great communication forum. The routines are clearly explained and they even have a Video you can watch. I’m going to share some photos from my progress. Here I am at the end of Week #1, already feeling a change and noticing a difference.

If you’re looking to gain or loose weight, check out RealJock. It’s very inspiring.

And yeah, I’ll use something other than my Crackberry for photos later on.

UPDATED: Reader Comments

Sorta like Facebook does now and then without warning, the settings on this blog were changed without my knowledge to only people with a Blogger profile.

I’ve fixed my blog (again) so that *anyone* can leave comments. But if you want a reply, you need to leave contact info.

Hands off my settings, Blogger!