SERIES: “The Insolent boy” (with “Lightsaber” Violet Wand)

Series: Insolent Boy

Chad Brock continues to shock the shit out of his boy, Dane Hyde. From the chainmail hand to glass rod, the Master can only seem to get a reaction out of the most sensitive spots. So he prods them again and again.

More Photos and Full Video available at BOUND MUSCLE.

The “LIGHT SABER” Violent Wand is a very popular new toy.  For more information, click on any photo below.

Click for full size image.Click for full size image.Click for full size image.

“Frosh Haze”- Coach has a Stun Gun

Series: “Frosh Haze”- Coach has a Stun Gun

Wrestling for the team — the loser gets cut. The jockey for position, muscles pounding — but who wins? Nobody. Then Bryan gets the roman chair workout with “help” from the Senior.

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