“MusclesnGear” on Instagram

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Here’s one of my favorite Fetishists ever… and all around super sweet and great guy… “MusclesnGear”.   This handsome man has a fetish for proudly wearing his spandex out in public especially when he’s working out. He seems to have no shame about it which is sort of inspiring. You can check out more of him working out and posing in his gear on his Instagram account.

He and I both agree that he needs to take more photos in Rubber.  Wouldn’t you agree?   😉 

A *BLAST* of “2XU” Spandex

Here’s a *BLAST* of “2XU Compression Gear“.   This sort of spandex is much more superior than your standard spandex. Even Under Armour.  As you can see, it’s used a lot in weight lifting and especially CrossFit.   It’s not terribly cheap so I’m sort of waiting until colder weather to purchase mine for CrossFit.

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