I recently switched from a live journal blogging account because Live Journal wasn’t the right format for what I like to blog about. Live Journal is a networking site for friends. Which is great! I still use it occasionally. BUT- many people felt the material I like to blog about was Not Safe For the Workplace. They’d go to work, sit down in their cubicle, log into Live Journal, scroll down to see what their friends posted that day and run across my entry… which in example might of been a JPG of a Hot Man like this:
Or maybe a Kinky Video like this:
Or maybe some Polictically Incorrect Humor:
Or even the newest leaked song by Kylie Minogue…. which threw a lot of people for a loop when they were actually hoping for something like the examples above! LOL!
So, dear reader, I’m sure you get why I left Live Journal. I left because I want my friends to keep their jobs!
A big thanks to my friends from LJ and other blog sites that chose to follow me over to Blogger and bookmark my blog. I promise to continue to share the same “Questionable Material” that I did in the past. Maybe even more so now?
Glad you finally made the switch. I personally have always liked blogspot more… alas, most of my friends use LJ… I’ll wait for them though.
So, dear reader, I’m sure you get why I left Live Journal. I left because I want my friends to keep their jobs!
What the hell are these people doing looking at LiveJournal at work anyway? If you plays the game, you takes the risks – that’s the way it is!