Early Kink Memories

Earlier this summer, “boy mike” and I were discussing some of our earliest kink memories involving TV, Movies, Cartoons etc. This was a fun conversation. We shared a lot of the same memories which confirmed what a kinkster I was at such an early age (6 yrs old) and they also triggered other memories.

I thought I’d share some of my earliest kink memories on this blog. The EARLIEST one I can remember was…. Scooby Doo. Yup, Scooby, no joke. There was a scene in a airplane hanger where Freddie was hoisted up by a chain pulling (by his belt). While hanging helplessly in the air, he says “I feel like a side of beef!“. I remember saying to my Mom “I wanna be a side of beef!“. Sadly, I don’t have a screencap of this episode to share.

But another I remember would be “The Hardy Boys”. Especially, when they were both captured and left tied up.

TOPIC: What’s YOUR earliest Kink Memory?

3 thoughts on “Early Kink Memories

  1. Yes, SIR, most definitely those Hardy Boys. I remember liking when that happened quite a lot. I also remember watching many of those afternoon matinee movies on tv and getting a kick out of someone being tied up. A few of the scenes from those movies have stuck in my head, though I don;’t know what films they were from. The public library also had a few books that discussed dungeons and some of the devices used in them… I remember doing some “research” with those. 😉

  2. Mine was from Days of Our Live (don’t judge me!) Tony Demeria was locked up in a cell behind a bookcase by his evil twin brother. (just shut it. ha) His head was locked in a motorcycle helmet with a blackedout visor that locked around the neck, plus he was chained to the floor and his hands were in a metal brace so he couldn’t even put his hands together. I was 8 or 9, but i use to draw that helmet all the time!

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