“It’s my BOY-IN-A-BOX!”

I’m not finding any videos worth sharing today so I’m going to post some photos from a…. ahem… “Small Collection” of photos my buddies Adam, Mike & my lil’ Canuck Bro Clay gave me.

The use of this “hood” was actually used in a 3 yr kidnapping of a woman by some crazy nut and wife who locked the woman’s head in the box along with foam padding, then put her into a compartment underneath their bed. Although, she was raped and tortured by her captors, when the woman was finally released, she didn’t want to press charges. She had developed some sort of brainwashed mentality that what was done to her was “OK”…. and she wanted more.

True story.

See what stories you learn when you watch too much History Channel?

TOPIC: What’s the longest you have had your vision taken from you in a bondage scene and did you enjoy it? Some bottoms are visually stimulated and find sensory deprivation to be boring. (Well, not me anyways)

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