To Each Their Own


Over the last couple days I’ve had the same conversation three times with three different people. It was a topic that I didn’t bring up myself. The conversations were about how what one person finds attractive isn’t always what the turns the crank for another person. For Example, a friend of mine has a sexual preference for Latino men (almost exclusively) while it seems most men I do know do not care for men of color. So, sometimes, it’s difficult for some people to understand or relate to the type of man your friends like.

These conversations had me thinking about my own preferences. Do I have one?? I can honestly say that I ever sat down and narrowed out my sexual preference to one kind of person despite what people assume. I’ve had people tell me “Oh he’s not your type” and what I respond with is “how do you know what my type is? I don’t even now what my type is!”.

I started analyzing myself, trying to figure out what my type is since it seems everyone else has one! LOL! While looking at the photos from Folsom Europe in my previous entry, I sort of noticed something. I picked out guys that all looked American (or Canadian). Which explains partly why I have very little interest in going to Europe.

(Unless it’s to see Kylie again! LOL! I’m such a fag….)

I knew this much already, I don’t go for the look of the typical European Man. I don’t find the thin bodied Skinhead look that you see so much to be a turn on for me personally. It seems I tend to go for the All American “Wouldn’t-Know-He-Has-A-Dungeon-In-The-Basement” kinda guy.

You know, for example…. the Marlboro Man meets Brady Quinn.


Scott Caan meets John Cena

Pretty boys? Sure they are. That’s obviously a plus. But, what sticks out to me the most is that they all take care of their bodies(except for the lung cancer bit). Oh, and they have hair. Ya gotta have hair. Military Cut if possible. Also, each has a bit of a older brother or D.I.L.F. (Dad I‘d Like To Fuck) look about them.

After I sat and thought about this, I started to relate more to my friend who has the preference for Latino men. While I don’t find the attraction mutual to Latino men, I doubt he finds “my type” mutual either. I get him now. 🙂

THE KINK FACTOR: Ah, yes. The prime reason why I have only played with 2 local in Chicago since I moved here 10 months ago. I also have that little “problem”, you see. I have a HIGH KINK DRIVE. I’m simply not interested in guys that aren’t kinky. Not really interested in sex… I’m interested in BDSM & Fetish. I go for quality (in my case, those who are kinky) over quantity(“your face or mine, or steamworks?”). But, again… like the title of this entry says….

To Each Their Own.

I get you now, Lil Bro. *HUG*

DISCLAIMER: If you just read this…and you’re a Man of Color, Skin or Thin European, please, don’t be offended. I have many close friends of different ethnicity. It just means there’s more men out there for you! :-)~

One thought on “To Each Their Own

  1. i know what you mean. people regularly ask me what my type is, and i really don’t know. i know of some traits that i don’t dig, but i like a lot of different types of guys, but like you, i like guys who aren’t all vanilla. how boring. i am totally up for some cuddling sometimes … as long as we’re both in gear. hehe. i don’t like cabbage, and i don’t like purely vanilla guys. it’s just my preference. but if i’m liking a guy and he likes me, i can tell in a nano-second if he isn’t keen on the idea of gear/kink after you mention it. ah well, what to do? just a little stream of consciousness to start your day. –sparklers

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