Chicago…Prepare to be RUBBERIZED!
Greetings Chicago Rubbermen:
A quick rubber update —
September 22 Meeting
At the last Chicago Rubbermen meeting, the members in attendance decided that the club would become an official sponsor of Mr. International Rubber. The club is now a Bronze level sponsor ($300). This is the first time in MIR history that a rubber club has stepped up to be a MIR sponsor — way to go guys!
Mr. International Rubber (MIR)
Speaking of MIR — it is less than a month away so start getting that gear cleaned and shined! Chicago Rubbermen is a sponsor of the Saturday night Strict Rubber Dress Code Party (which you will need a MIR weekend package to attend) and has volunteered to organize and run the Gear Swap on Saturday afternoon.
So, how can you get involved? First, you can clean out that rubber closet. Any gear you want to sell or swap, list it on the MIR website so people will know what’s for sale and can bring their cash. I know I have at least 4 or 5 items that I’ll be putting in the swap. 10% of all the rubber swap sales will go to benefit Chicago Rubbermen!
Check out the official MIR website for a complete list of all the pervy events, weekend package info, and how to register your gear in the swap —
Message from Dan the Rubberman
“This Sat night is a salute to Mr. Midwest Rubber 2007 at Touche, to wish Dontay good luck at MIR. About all i know is that there will be a liquid latex demo. Please pass the word to the club.”
I’ll keep the rubber updates coming. Take care and…
Stay rubbered up,

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