Poppers & BDSM

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Personally, I do not recommend poppers during any sort of BDSM scene because things can go very wrong. There’s been a great deal of deaths involving bondage and poppers (mostly heterosexual incidents). If you do use poppers… NEVER USE THEM ALONE WHILE DOING SELF BONDAGE. Spilled bottles of poppers have been known to overwhelm and kill.

What are your thoughts on Poppers and Bondage?

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4 thoughts on “Poppers & BDSM

  1. I agree totally with you, Ruff.. DRUGS OF ANY KIND, including poppers (they are a mind-altering substance) are a huge NO-NO with any form of BDSM… As my Grandma used to say, “If you need drugs, you are doing it wrong!!”


  2. “Abject?”

    Well, yes, that’s the point. Via abjection to intrasubjectivity. And the vid is not “disgusting” per se; its *you* who are “disgusted.”

    PS Freud said our dreams are the roayl road to our unconscious… including your nightmares…

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