Steel Chastity Belt

Posted with boy PBJ in mind. >;-)

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TOPIC: Other than the CB 2000/3000/Curve Chastity devices, what chastity devices have you tried? Any in particular that you recommend to serious chastity enthusiasts?

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3 thoughts on “Steel Chastity Belt

  1. Don’t think the plactis ones are that great. They only work for people with the exact right size dick for it and the exact depth tha balls are hanging at. Otherwise, it’s no chastity device at all, but just a torture-device.

    I reallt liked the reinholds belts, but they seem to have vanished. Other great manufacturers are Goethals (Belgium), Neosteel and Latowski (both Germany). They all make steel chastity belts made to measute.

    The styles that have been on the market for some time now are all here with a review:

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