Underwater Bondage

I’ve seen this done once before. I highly recommend that anyone trying it have somebody with them that they trust… that is 110% attentive to the bottom.

That being said… DAMN… that’s hot!

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Have you ever tried anything like this?

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3 thoughts on “Underwater Bondage

  1. Yes — it was a rubber pod suit, and a gas mask with a breathing tube into the mouth, and into the gas mask breathing area — the top had taped the tube and mask together. I didn’t know that. All I knew what that it essentially gagged me and forced me to breathe directly into the gas mask’s intake/output. When he taped the gas mask and pod suit neck together, I knew something was up. He led me to the bathtub, had me lay down, and then tied my balls up to the faucet. What really got me was the steady, dripping stream which hit me right on the nuts. He kept me there for at least an hour and half as the tub slowly filled (by hitting my balls). I was so ready to cum that I was nearly in tears. Didn’t help that my dear top had been playing with me and cutting off my air the whole time. Then, only to be underwater and filling the water come into the gas mask, yet still breathing with it, that was a real, true trip. I want to do it again. And again. And again.
    ~ Andrew

  2. That’s hot! I’ve had a long-standing fantasy of being bound in a rubber straitjacket at the bottom of one of those old standalone tubs with feet. Plastic wrap is stretched across the top of the tub and then it’s filled with water. And I’m sent closer and closer to the plastic as the water rises.

    It’d be a hot superhero trap.

    rob 🙂

  3. Can’t see the picture or video in question, but underwater bondage is one of my favorite kinks, which I indulge whenever I can entice the S.O. into doing it. Large suction cups of the type used in auto body repair attached to the bottom of the deep, garden style tub; legs crossed and ankles bound over the faucet; wrists tied together over my head as I lie on my back in the water with the excess rope threaded through the suction cup handles… partner pulls the rope with no warning, yanking my wrists down to the bottom and– BLURP!– I’m held underwater with whatever air I could gasp in on the way down, stuck until S.O. decides to put enough slack in the rope for my mouth and nose to barely break the surface for a split second– GASP… BLUB!– and then the rope on my wrists drags me back down to the bottom again. *shivers* God, I love that.

    -Alex, webmaster of Underwater Sex Stories

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