
MEN IN GEAR: No fundraisers, no contests, no speeches, no entertainment, no discussion groups. is all about getting men to “Get up off your ass. Get off that damn computer. Get geared up. Go out. Find some men.”

Gear pigs…

Horny fucks…

Kinky bastards…

For the last few years, you’ve known what to expect at a MEN IN GEAR gathering. Most of these gatherings were held at the Eagle Tavern and the Powerhouse.

MEN IN GEAR has established a new home. CHAPS II, Chaps Bar San Francisco.

We are extremely pleased and happy to announce that we have worked with the SFPD in negotiating their signing off on the transfer of the liquor license for the bar space at 1225 Folsom.

We hope to announce an opening date soon.

We look forward to working with both the Powerhouse and the Eagle Tavern – to bring more business to SOMA. These two bars have been very supportive of MEN IN GEAR, and together with these bars, it’s my hope we can all work together with other SOMA bars to reopen bars that have closed over the years. The more foot traffic, the more business for everyone.

Personally, I am truly humbled by all the people who have taken the time to write letters, make telephone calls and send emails encouraging the SFPD to feel comfortable with granting us full operating hours.

I mentioned before a number of elected officials have worked very hard behind the scenes to assist us and work with the SFPD to help them feel comfortable with us opening CHAPS. Thank you to Senator Migden, Assembly Member Leno, and especially Supervisor’s Ammiano and Dufty. Supervisor Dufty facilitated some meetings and conference calls which were helpful in assisting to broker a resolution with the SFPD. Again, remember these folks at election time – they believe in our community, they heard your voice, just remember they are working for us. Thank you.

A special thanks also to several members of the Entertainment Commission for their advice and support, the SFLNC (San Francisco Late Night Coalition) for their lobbying and support, and Jim Meko (Western Citizen SOMA Planning Task Force and SOMA Leadership Council and SOMA resident).

I feel a tremendous responsibility with everyone who has vouched for my character, and my partner’s character. We want to create a space that will be an asset to the community – and will hopefully serve as a catalyst for the opening of more leather bars on Folsom’s Miracle Mile.

So, basically…FUCK YEAH. Stay tuned. We have lots of plans, and hope to keep your ass busy – off the computer for some more face to face action — more than once a month. Dust off your gear. Get ready.

And in case you need to add a few boots to your collection in anticipation the opening, one more time…go see Mike at Stompers. This place is a fucking institution – and is owned by one serious kinky bastard. You think you’re the shit? Listen to some of his stories. And buy a new pair of boots while they’re 20% off.

Happy Holidays. Looking forward to serving you all a drink in 2008.


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