Dog Hector

RubberWilli was just talking about this character at our New Year in Gear” party and then a dogboy buddy of mine sent me these photos for the blog. Dog identified! This is “Dog Hector” from Europe.

Cute Pup!

One thought on “Dog Hector

  1. Hey Rubberwilli here.

    Yes, To clarify, I was stating on New Years Eve 2008 that Hector is one of the two pups I have had the pleasure of meeting in my life (and the last year) that, IMHO, other guys into puppy play should aspire to be like. This guy gets it totally and is hot as all hell as well.

    I remember when he visited the Chicago eagle several years ago on a random Tuesday night. He was on all fours, in a jock and kneepads and leashed for the duration of his stay and certainly made an impression on everyone in the bar.

    The other pup I mentioned in the same vein was Fang. (Hector is fang’s Alpha brother, protector and mentor.)

    I had the pleasure of meeting them both in Berlin over Folsom Europe and they are two amazing men who were totally approachable and get what being a pup is about. There’s no gimmick to it when these guys are in pup mode. It’s real, it’s a form of release and it’s hot as all get out.

    So that’s all that was about. If you get a change to meet either of them, you should. If you get a chance to chat with them you should. And if Fang wants to play with your check toys, …well thats just for us I guess…grin.

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