Awesome!!! CHAPSII Bar in SF makes Towleroad!

From, Which, BTW, is pretty much the best damn Gay News Related Blog out there:

With opening of Chaps II, leather scene returning to San Francisco’s SoMA district: “On Friday, David Morgan threw open the doors to Chaps II, the most recent indication that leather is making a comeback in SoMa. ‘There’s a resurgence happening,’ said Morgan, 39. ‘A lot of people have been saying the leather scene was dead, but there just wasn’t a place for people to meet up. … Gearing up in leather and going to a bar where you’re the only one dressed is kind of like a woman going to a bar in a ball gown while everyone else is in T-shirts.’ Chaps II, at 1225 Folsom St., is named for Chaps, a bar that operated from 1983-85 on 11th Street, where the DNA Lounge is now located. Appropriately enough, Chaps II hosted a meet-and-greet to open the 30th anniversary Mr. San Francisco Leather contest, which concluded Sunday. Next year, one of the contest’s events might take place at another leather bar, Hole in the Wall, which Morgan says plans to reopen soon.”

And an here’s an article from SFGate on CHAPSII, too.

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