Blog “Improvements”

I’ve got some new ideas and offers to consider for this blog. One of them I hope to have up and running very soon.

It’s been suggested to me by many that I should do more editorial stories and stuff about myself. I’m not big on writing about myself (hence the very few personal entries on the sidebar). So, I thought I’d ask the readers for topics.

What would you like to read about on this blog?

Ask me anything.

(Yeah, I know that’s opening a huge can of worms from my friends who read this. Bring it, Bitches!)


4 thoughts on “Blog “Improvements”

  1. Hey Ruff,

    Love the blog… as a fan, you’ve definitely sparked a lot of creative imagination — especially this weekend with a mutual friend 🙂

    For suggestions: would love to hear some hot first-hand stories about yourself — or even from your fan base (which should include some pics/vids). I sometimes frequent to live vicariously through this hottie — don’t know if you want to put yourself out there in the same way. Your fans might be great content creators for you…

    Other ideas: feature a hottie or two every week from one of the pay-sites (i.e.,, etc.)

    Finally, I’d recommend creating some regular categories (leather, rubber, electro, CBT, gear, etc.) and provide regular/predictable content in those areas. The pervs (like me) will be coming back like clockwork to see what’s posted to “feed their need.” does a good job with this.

    Love the videos on your blog!!

    Keep up the good work.


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