Andy Bell of “Erasure” at IML 30

Looks like the entertainment for IML’s Contest this year is Andy Bell, the front man of legendary dance music group “Erasure”. He’ll be performing at the 30th Anniversary of IML (the actual contest) in the Hyatt’s Grand Ballroom which is a GREAT venue because it’s smaller and gives the audience a more intimate experience with the performer. I’m sure he’ll play stuff from his Erasure albums as well as stuff from his last album “Electric Blue” which had him dueting with Jake Shears of “Scissor Sisters” on the song “I thought it was you”.

Judging by some of the costumes he’s worn on stage, I wouldn’t be surprised if he has attended IML in the past!

And the DJ for IML’s Victory Celebration at the House of Blues is Tony Moran who is known as the number one DJ in America right now. He does a lot of remixes for top ten artists like…well…you know…all the Usual Scream Divas of the Dancefloor.

I know this is a bit off topic for this blog and I’m outing myself as a Dance Music queen. It’s just that this is IML’s 30th Anniversary and they have REALLY good entertainment performing this year. I’m definitely attending the festivities this time around.

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