Leather Market Shenanigans

Leather Market Shenanigans

Okay, we all know the Leather Market at IML is HUGE. If I recall, there’s over 200 vendors in the Hyatt’s basement convention center. I didn’t get a chance to shop the entire event market this year. I just didn’t feel there was much that I couldn’t live without. All the toys left on the Wish List are big ticket items like a Sleepsack, Gimpsuit, etc. I found myself at the Mr S booth quite a bit seeing friends and as one employee put it…. “working it” aka stirring up trouble by putting boys in bondage and answering questions about merchandise other shopping.

I recall a certain boy at previous IMLs and MALs that was fascinated by Puppy Play. He even bought squeaking puppy toys for the Puppy Parties. As we stood at the Mr S booth, he was eyeing the Leather Sleepsack. So, I told Rich Hawk that we had a bondage demo boy who needed a little prompting. It didn’t take much! He jumped into the Sleepsack. But, we needed a hood! Oh, what hood could we use? Hmmmm. Perfect opportunity to put a Leather Puppy Hood on the boy. He wouldn’t be able to resist all that much.

Once the hood on, we didn’t have a boy anymore. We had a loud barking Bondage Puppy. Isn’t he cute???

Then NJBuffster (such a hottie) wandered over telling me he wanted a new hood…. But didn’t know which one. I had him try on the Heavy Duty Rubber Hoods. He liked both quite a bit and ended ultimately ended up with the one with the hose. Which is now on my Wish List, too.

I also “forced” our friend AggDawg (birthday boy) to try on some Leather Breeches from Mr S. He was hesitant because this was going to be his first Leathers. When he put on the pants, he WOW’d everyone. Sooooo damn sexy. I wish I coulda gotten some photos of him … but… he’s a bit shyyyy. At least in front of the camera.

I do have one regret with a slight bit of jealousy to RocketJock and CJRough. When the incredibly sexy James from Mr S(my imaginary #2 husband, 2nd to John Cena) said he wanted a Flogging Demo boy, both times I found myself holding back because I had a boy with me. I pushed my two friends to do it instead. I should have just done it but then I wouldn’t have these hot photos of my friends getting the shit flogged out of them. I’m very happy that the two lucky bastards had a good time. Watching James flogging inspired me to do flogging more as a top and bottom. We have 3 floggers that do not get used enough. I need to change that.

Below are several videos of the Flogging. Thanks to both for allowing me to post their videos here. Watch them now as I don’t know that YouTube’s censors will allow them up for long. I may have to move them to Xtube.

One thought on “Leather Market Shenanigans

  1. Greetings from Cape Town, South Africa.

    Can you give me any info on the great looking Heavy Duty Rubber Hood with hose as ‘modelled’ by NJBuffster (31 May entry). I had a look on Mr S but can’t see that particular type.

    Thanks, and keep up the good work!


    Avarua (avarua@new.co.za)

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