The Kink-Blog today…

5/1/08- This blog started back in September 07 with the sole purpose to be a place to let my deviant kinky thoughts “free flow” out into the cyberspace. There is no committee to approve them. They are just my lusty thoughts and opinions… out there on yet another random dirty blog that you stumbled upon in your search for “Wank Material”. And I welcome you!

I didn’t expect this little project to become as popular as I’m told it is. Or to have to install multiple traffic counters because the suppliers say my blog violated their TOS (that was a good laugh). Nor to have popular businesses ask to have their links posted here. During MIR 07 and MAL 08(and most recently at CLAW), a great deal of strangers came up and thanked me for the blog. This is ALL very flattering. I appreciate the feedback. Thank you. You guys rock!

Maintaining this blog is a lot of fun. I went from working on it for my own selfish purpose… to realizing how it can greatly benefit others in the Leather Community by just simply posting personal stories, educational stuff, pointing out upcoming events and sharing photos with some editorial. I continue to invite readers to send me links, stories, photos, info about their upcoming event… ANYTHING relating to BDSM and the Leather/Rubber/Fetish Lifestyle. To do so, simply leave a comment with your email address and I’ll contact you.

Thanks again.


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