Sexy High ‘n’ Tight

I’ve always had a thing for short haircuts on myself an other guys. I had a flat top for many years which was funny to my family since I wasn’t in the military. Since then, I’ve had variations of a High ‘n’ Tight where it was longer or very short on top. Lately, I’ve been thinking of going with a buzz cut since I work out 5-6x a week and have been considering participation in Men’s Health’s Urbanathon.

Some guys look GREAT with a High ‘n’ Tight. Some guys look good with their heads shaved. One thing I’ve learned is that any certain haircut does NOT look good on everyone and a good barber will tell you so beforehand. A couple friends of ours shaved their heads because they liked the look on other people…. and… well… they learned the shape of their head was better camouflaged with SOME hair. And you can’t wear a hood to most workplaces.

But then again, the shorter the haircut, the better the hood fits.

Thanks to BillinExile for the last photo.

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