WOOF of the Day….

Nothing terribly kinky. Just one handsome fucker named George Eads from “CSI”. I love how smug he looks in the shades.

2 thoughts on “WOOF of the Day….

  1. George Eads – Man of my dreams!

    Can’t you just imagine how wonderful it would be to see that cocky stud all geared up, dominating some bound young thing? That’s almost more than I can bear!

  2. for those who might care, there are clips out there of eads, who is indeed a hottie of the first order, chloroformed, kidnapped and buried alive… and chewed on by fire ants if the rest weren’t enough. i have some grainy versions on my hard drive, but i haven’t had the means to upload things as much as download them.

    and hi ruffy, seems like i have been admiring you and your work from a distance forever. who ever knew you would go from a kinky sub with a little webpage, to a media star.

    and you are as hot as ever!


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