Woof of the Day…. and Early Childhood Fetish

Since I was a kid, I’ve always had a thing for tight form fitting white beaters (Tank Tops). I remember being 12 or 13 and seeing my Aunt’s new blonde, blue eyed and stache’d boyfriend hanging around the pool while wearing one. He was also wearing what would be referred to today as “Daisy Duke” shorts… but for the sake of this entry, we’ll forgive him. He was just so damn sexy. And, I noticed he wore bikini like spandex underwear (I was nosey). What a triple threat. Blond. Wife Beater. Tight underwear.

Later on, I discovered Tom of Finland. Many of the drawings had men wearing wife beaters. Sometimes, underneath their motorcycle jacket. One of the photographers that asked to shoot me knew this same photo and asked me to pose like the drawing with my Vanson leathers on. The photo (on the banner) turned out great. I’m no Tom of Finland though.

And of course, I have a large collection of tank tops. Including one made of rubber.

Here’s a small collection of great “Wife Beater” tank top photos. I have yet to find the Tom of Finland ones though.

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