As strange as this may sound, since I moved to Chicago, I have had a hard time finding any Barbers that know how to give a proper military hair cut. In particular, a High ‘n’ Tight (Hnt). One near my gym did a good job but suddenly stopped doing White Walls (shaved with a razor on the sides). That was fine, I could do it myself, but the guy was such an Ass about it (twice) that I moved onto another. The next one…. Ugh… he did an okay job… but man… I really got tired of him talking about Pussy. Pussy, Pussy, Pussy. And he had more kids than Bradgelina. The last barber… I wasn’t taking any chances… I actually took photos of a HnT with me. He knew what he was doing from looking at the photo but as others who go to this barber have later told me “Smith just does what he wants”. He wouldn’t round it off in the back which later gave my head a mushroom look. WTF?
Frustrated, I talked to a my friend Craig’s BF, Doug, in Chicago who has a haircut fetish. Not only does he like to cut other’s hair, but he does his own. I asked him to come over and give me a proper HnT and to give me some tips on how to cut my own. I cut my hair with clippers tonight and I didn’t do a half bad job. I love how it feels. Very sexy.
There is a HUGE community of guys who enjoy the haircutting fetish. There is a certain erotic sensation while cutting someone’s hair or while getting your own cut (head & scalp massage is sexy too for that matter). The feeling of the clipper rubbing against your scalp. Going from a warm to cool feeling. Dirty to clean. Scuffy to smooth. It’s worth the mess.
I’ve only cut two boys’ hair in the past. It was a lot of fun. I’m going to start exploring this new fetish of mine.
Want a trim?
Check out the guys at I know they have a couple of key memebers in Chicagoland. A paid membership there is money well spent.
Frustrated, too! Would love to find a barber here that even does a good buzz cut or flat top when I ask for one. Also, I usually state up front that I may be quiet and nod off during the cut. This seems to help avoid the sports pussy chatter and allow for a more meditative and enjoy-the-sensation cut.
There’s a great barber on the North side of the city. He is at Irving Park near Kimball. It’s called Model barbershop. He was a former millitary barber and does great HnT which is what I prefer. Check him out.
Horror story: this guy tells me he’s all about bondage, all about military, all about everything fetishistic. We discuss a fantasy I’ve had (to be shackled, strapped and forced into a HnT). He says he cuts hair, his own included, and thus, I’m in luck.
What I got: a horrible all-over-buzz with certain spots noticeably longer than others, a semi-circle of skin roughly an inch in circumference running around each ear, my temples shaved bald in an attempt to correct an earlier “whoops” with the clippers.
The humiliation of having a guy force shave me I definitely got, but not in the way I wanted.
for more ideas on boys’ haircuts: short, long, discipline and other, visit
thank you sir
Majority of my friends like pranking, I, however, don’t. Which is why i am their constant target. And after a traumatising experience with a forced haircut, and the fact that they find my hair soft, they now gang up on me and subject me to rubber strapjackets with ropes and duct tape to reinforce it. Then they strap me to a barber’s chair with wheels with leather straps and put on me a hard leather leash with four chains. Knowing my trauma, they enjoy strangling me by slowly and forcefully tying many barber capes around my neck and leash. After that, they get busy. I would constantly feel combs pulling my head back, razors buzzing off my hair, scissors snipping off my hair, they would also have multiple people grope my head to keep it in place, but they also took pleasure in spraying massive amounts of shaving cream on my mouth and shaving it vigorously over and over again, and also in waxing my hair with ridiculous amount of gel and pomade, even taking it to the point where they stuff my rubber suit with my own hair. They also enjoy recording it and posting it online, and to further embarrass me, they would wheel me around the block at regular intervals even if i am unfinished. After they finish my haircut, i would often end up with wacky haircuts like blond High and Tights with tribal head tattoos, hybrid flat-top mohawks with four colours and highlights, and a long and greasy elephant trunk duck tail haircut. But it didnt end there. They would put me in a dark room still in the chair with a light over a mirror that would face me with a computer displaying the whole experience, then after several replays of the video, i would become their sex slaves and be forced to suck their dicks, let them inject their dicks in my ass through a special hole in the suit, allow them to molest my six-packs through another special hole , piss on me, then bring me outside for the public to see their latest artwork. Once the evening comes or the police alarm comes ringing, they bring me inside and livestream them torturing me. It only ends at midnight. :3 If you’re asking why i stick with them, its because they wont let me move out, since im their only prank/sex toy.
Can you come to Israel ???