
Just a fair warning to anyone who’s looking to buy something from Blackstyle….

I’m when you order your stuff online, there’s an unmentioned DHL USA Shipping Customs Fee that arrives weeks later. $50 on top of the shipping fees you already paid. So, while they have nice stuff and all, be sure to expect a bill later on.

2 thoughts on “Blackstyle

  1. Same thing the otherway around! We bought stuff from the USA and we got a import tax bill from ups.

    I think its not fair but I think its got nothing to do with blackstyle. By law and for insurence purpuse the have to mention the value and that were the gouverment import tax steps in.

    Greetings from the Netherlands, jimmy

  2. That’s why you can always have a friend who’s headed to Berlin pick it up for you in person and bring it back in luggage. May take a while longer, but it avoids the customs charges.

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