2 thoughts on “Roped to a Stool

  1. This video was stolen off the new web site BoundGods.com

    The assholes who stole it put that awful music on it as that is not how it sounds on the BoundsGods site. There you can hear the boy, Jason Ridge, screaming and begging with no stupid music behind it.

    Sites like Gay Fetish Freaks that allow members to steal other’s commercial videos and put them up, ought to be sued as far as I’m concerned.. esp. since they don’t even give a credit as to where the video came from.

    There’s a $5,000 fine, per incident, for copyright infringement. People work hard and spend a lot of money creating videos and photos and to have other just outright steal them with no credit as to their source is fucking wrong.

    Just because it’s the Internet doesn’t mean you can rip people off.

    Fuck the guy who stole it originally and fucked it up with his stupid music and Fuck Gay Fetish Freaks for allowing him to do it.

  2. How is gayfetishfreaks any different than this blog? Seems like a double standard you coming here and checking out vids Ruff has reposted from othe NING sites like guyszingear. Not like gayfetishfreaks is a commerical site or making money off stolen content.

    I dont necessarily disagree with your sentiment about copyright infringement, but don’t you think what is good for the goose is good for the gander?

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