I’m absolutely 100% stealing this blog entry from CALGARY RUBBERMAN, one of my favorite Kink Blogs. Thank you for pointing this out, Reid.

I think I’m one of the few people that finds Johnny Knoxville sexy. Man, I miss this show! LOL!

Jackass in the Stockroom

Johnny Knoxville and entourage visited JT’s Stockroom last fall. Here is the video of their adventures…(from JackassWorld.com). A professional daredevil known for his wild neck-risking stunts and pranks, Knoxville is actually a little nervous when faced with some of our more unusual specialty gear. Check out both these hilarious videos, hosted by dapper opera-singing impresario Mr. Merlin, director of upscale LA dungeon the Broken Door. The first clip is an actual tour of the Stockroom premises; the next is a “show and tell” session Mr. Merlin stages in the JackassWorld offices.

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