Shirt ‘n’ Tie (& Bondage) Fetish

The first fetish that I remember as a kid… was for Men in Shirt & Tie. Which progressed in time to Uniformed Men, namely Cops. Later, it because Leather Cop Uniforms from a Tom of Finland influence.

This fetish of mine seems somewhat rare in the Leather Community. It’s always nice to run across photos like these on Flickr.

AND even nicer to find others with the same fetish. Are you out there?


3 thoughts on “Shirt ‘n’ Tie (& Bondage) Fetish

  1. Definitely out here. I always had a fantasy of being seduced by a guy in a suit & tie into wearing his suit/tie and then being caught unaware and bound and held captive while wearing his clothes and, well, the rest comes naturally!

  2. Interesting looking at the evolution of your shirt/tie fetish through motorcycle cops to leather uniform. I’ve never really thought of it in that way but it’s probably true for me too, at least to an extent.

    I’ve always liked guys in shirt ‘n’ tie but it’s never been that strong a fetish interest for me. Combined with even a leather jacket, though, it becomes hugely more interesting.

    Hmm. I need to write a blog entry on this myself… 🙂

  3. Dress and dress-casual + bondage has always worked for me, too. To add the spice of leather, a nice black leather blazer makes for a very sharp addition, as well. Ruff would ROCK a black leather blazer, in and out of restraint!

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