Rubber Rebel from Guyzingear

Hello all

I would like to thank the few that have donated to the site, again that number is under 20 members of 26,000 registered members of the site.

I have given this much thought and against my own personal feelings I MUST announce the following, realize this is not been a easy choice for me, but Starting Next Monday Oct 5th after 9pm NYC Time, Guyzingear will become like sites such as manhunt and all, a membership site.

You will be able to sign up and log in for free, But many of the features will be only for members, after all many of the members that upload the media you have been enjoying are current paid members. So for $8 a month (Which is not a lot, less than 2 cups of Starbucks) you can enjoy every feature of this site, and with the growth I can invest in making this site much better for you the members.

Such improvements are adding additional servers to handle the loads to keep the site fast, and many other features that eat up the bandwidth that we are using and on the development list.

Thanks for your support


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