Sleepsack Fun!

Leather, Rubber, Neoprene… it doesn’t really matter. To me, Sleepsacks are pretty much the best bondage you can find when it comes to full coverage restraint.

While they’re all incredible, the Neoprene one is very comfortable for taking a long nap in. I didn’t sweat like I did in the latex one. Yet, the Leather version is particularly sexy when you slip into it and feel the leather lined hide against your skin.

And then there’s the Rubber version. Recently, I put a fully rubbered boy in ours along with a great deal of J-Lube while tied to my suspended bondage table. Shook him back and forth letting the liquid slosh around against his rubbered up… after he had taken a piss. Yeah, it was a mess to clean up, but it was so worth it when he hugged me later and said “SIR, you spoil me”.

Then he cleaned it up. 😉

Chris O’Donnel as “ROBIN”

I think it’s safe to say that many of got our first introduction to fetish from watching superhero movies. Thought it’d be fun to take a look at some photos of Chris O’Donnel as “ROBIN” from the Batman movies from the 90’s.

I always wanted to try on that suit. Sooo expensive. Maybe someday.


Thanks for sharing this crazy video, G. journalist Mike Guy underwent waterboarding by a trained member of the U.S. military in the site’s new Lab Rat feature.

Guy bet that he could endure 15 seconds of the interrogation technique used by the Bush administration on al Qaeda chief Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Abu Zubaydah.

Watch the results: