While I think Scott Herman is incredibly sexy, I recently felt it was time to “HIDE” his constant updates on Facebook because … and I’m not kidding… there were 4-5 updates an hour about himself. It’d be okay if it were just photos! LOL!!! But, no, blah blah blah, me, me, me, “I wish they picked me for the Captain America movie”….
But, on the other hand, the majority of his instructional work out videos are fantastic. Such as the one below where he uses a Bosu Ball in a Pec routine. I’m definitely using this in the future. And his chest is amazing in the video.
So, thanks for the great work out videos/photos, Scott.
Now open wide for this Gag, boy.
I did the same thing about two months ago, but ‘un-hid’ him a few weeks later when I missed the motivation he provided in the good 10% of his posts.