Poll: How will the selection of a disabled and transgendered man impact IML and the leather community?

Recently, Leatherati had a poll on their website.  The question was…

How will the selection of a disabled and transgendered man 
impact IML and the leather community?

Personally, I think polls on the internet aren’t the most honest. I think many people click a button out of quick impulse without really thinking on a honest answer. I know I have. 

Throwing that theory aside, the full article on Leatherati is a fascinating read.  Kudos to Leatherati for putting this together. Thank you.

One thought on “Poll: How will the selection of a disabled and transgendered man impact IML and the leather community?

  1. Thanks for sharing this. As a queer trans man and long-time reader of this blog, albeit one who is decidedly disinterested in leather contests, I have to say that it’s strange to me that this is causing such a ruckus within the leather commuity. It isn’t as though a woman was named IML; Tyler is still a man, even if he came to his manhood in a different way than most, or if his plumbing is not the standard-issue.

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