I recently decided it was time to resign from the role of MIR Vendor Coordinator…
Truth be told, I’ve been volunteering for various events and organizations for TWENTY YEARS. Everything from Kink Events to Animal Shelters to Diabetes/HIV/AIDS/Cancer fundraisers. When I moved to Chicago, I quickly started looking for more volunteer work which was easily found in Chicago.
I let a few friends know that I was looking for something MORE to do. Something. Not sure what, but something. I wanted a Niche. Not too long afterwards, I was offered the position of MIR Vendor Organizer by a New Friend shortly afer the event went under new ownership.
It can easily be said MIR and those involved with the event have had a great influence over me and the Kinkster I am today in a very positive and even mentoring manner. MIR is a part of me. I love the event, I really do, but it wasn’t what I was really looking for… but I mainly did it because at the time my New Friend I was bonding with at a NIN concert seemed to really need and want me involved. I have a hard time saying NO to friends and I just simply wanted to see him happy. I also believed MIR could be much bigger and better than ever.
You know, I love hosting a good party. I love being involved, seeing everyone happy and smiling (that’s me in a nutshell), but man… you get exhausted doing these events. Eventually, it catches up with you. For example, IML 2010… I was so exhausted from doing demos open to close in the Leather Market that I didn’t want to go to the GearBlast party. Totally fried, I just wanted to go to bed. But, my silly friends insisted I just go casual and dressed me up like this….
Makes a statement, doesn’t it? I’ll do anything for a laugh. And Sandals (I was sooo over wearing boots at the time). At least I had good Scotch in the glass.
I’ve been to 11 MIRs, watching it grow and grow into what it is today. It’s only going to get bigger and better each year. While I’ve organized many large events and parties, I recognize that I not a trained professional events manager and feel I’ve given all I could. Hitting a wall, I realized my limits. It was an honor to be asked to help it transform from what it was 3 yrs ago to what it is today…. and absolutely heart breaking (I’m still hurting) to tell the guys after volunteering for events the last 20 years it was time to take the advice of my “Daddy” and my “De-Mentor” (and other friends):
See, I’ve got this Massage License I rarely use. And this dream to become a Personal Trainer. It’s a good combination. This is my new focus. Gotta make this happen! I also need to get back to going to events as a participant. Still doing demos and helping where needed …. and… hey, who knows? Maybe even get laid at events? LOL! What a brilliant idea!
The support I’ve gotten from the group, associates and friends outside of the group has been overwhelmingly positive. While I already have offers from other events/organizations to consider I’ve let the MIR guys know that I’m very interested in helping out in a lesser involved manner as ease the transition of the Vendor Market Organizer to the new person. Whatever I can do to help. I hope they take me up on the offer.
So, I wish all those volunteers and other associates of MIR a very positive GO GET EM’! I have the utmost faith and confidence that the staff of the 15th Anniversary of Mr. International Rubber will make it an overwhelming success.
Thanks, guys. You’re amazing!
– Ruff
* You can contact the new MIR Vendor Organizer, “KinkRubber”, via email HERE.
Hi Ruff. I read this just now with sadness. I, like you, realize that these events take a huge amount of energy, focus and management to pull off successfully. I always complain that I don’t get time to enjoy myself during Rubbout and usually take 2-4 weeks off of anything kink-related afterwards because it is SO DAMNED EXHAUSTING. However, I also realize that this is like having reciprocal house parties with your friends….you occasionally have to host simply as appreciation for all the great events your friends put on and you can just show up and have fun at. It’s YOUR TURN to host, so to speak. This obligation of sorts is what keeps me going. I work hard at Rubbout in order that I can enjoy WCR, MIR, Folsom, etc fully because I know someone else is working just as hard as I did to ensure that I have that fun time at their event. I also realize that some of us have been doing this for an awfully long time and it wears on you, but I also realize that most people cannot do what we do for a multitude of reasons…the biggest one being the passion factor. I get frustrated thinking how much of my time and energy is given to these events for free when it seems that anyone you ask to help out expects payment. Very frustrating, however I question whether these events would even happen without guys like us around? Most guys I know are followers; if you provide the event, they will come, but you can forget them ever organizing a similar event. If you quit, the event will fold. I know you guys in Chicago have a great community and MIR is in great hands. I question whether the vendor market will be as good without you at the helm. All I have to say is your successor has his work cut out for him! It is time to devote your attention to you, mister. Best of luck in your future endeavors, and see you at MIR 2012 as an attendee!
Take care, talk soon