Welcome to the new location of my blog…
It’s about time that I went and upgraded to a “big boy blog”. I just wish it wouldn’t have been as dramatic and rushed as Google forced it to be with their Policy Change regarding Porn. (They’re deleted adult blogs now)
A little history behind this Blog:
When I started the first Blog, it was a way relay my Kink interests to a certain SIR in my life. Posting photos and commenting about them connected us in a powerful way that I couldn’t vocally (a picture says a thousand words). After a while, I started to see how I could use it to promote upcoming Kink Community events like the Chicago Rubbermen parties, small kink businesses, artists, photographers and charity events. “Use my powers for good” if you will. I also started posting information on Safe BDSM Play, displaying Reader Submissions, opinions/reviews on BDSM Gear and, of course, showing more and more kinky stuff found throughout the interwebs. Giving credit where it’s due whenever possible.
Then, the whole affiliate program business started where I was having businesses like KINK.com *asking* me to advertise. Which really isn’t that profitable to be honest but hey… “Bitches gotta eat”.
I seriously have done my damnest to make this blog be an even distribution of those affiliate programs AND what I originally set out this blog to be. Anyone that knows me will tell you that I’m really self conscious about this. I don’t want to come across as a sell out… but at the same time, in the last 5 years, I have seen those Events, Communities and small businesses *grow*… and I know I’ve helped introduce more than a few Reader Submissions to a new SIR or boy (you know who you are!).
So, that rare negativity I receive for this silly blog? Whatever.
I also need to recognize the incredibly sweet interactions I have gotten from Readers (especially during that shitty week when Google pulled a serious douche bag move). In person at events and electronically, you guys have been very supportive (especially Metalbond, Sparky, “Stranger”). Even the trucker at a Indiana Turnpike gas station who recognized me and offered to show his appreciation with a handjob. (Pass, but thanks!). It’s because of Sparky of the NO SAFEWORD Podcast that I was introduced to NastyFukka who basically saved my Blog from what Google described as eminent death.
Thanks again to all. Please feel free to update your Websites with my new URL.
Now, back to your regularly scheduled masturbation.
Great to see you switched. I wish more bloggers would dump “Blogger/Google” to let them know how ridicuklous they are. I am sure they don’t give a hoot, but maybe they will see their numbers drop and figure out something is wrong with their ideals. Yeah, that’s going to happen.