a LOL at MAL 2010

We’ve all had it happen to us. We are in a crowded bar, trying to get from Point A to Point B. Squeezing by people and somebody in front of you grabs your crotch or ass. I usually ignore it.

I don’t know what I was drinking to make me so clever that night at the CODE party but I handled the crotch grab differently this time.

I put my empty drink in his hand and walked away. 😉

One thought on “a LOL at MAL 2010

  1. Nice one!!

    Still – takin a crafty grope is so damned inpolite, regardless of the time or place. So, despite the understandbly unbearable urge when presented with such a *god* as Yourself in the flesh, surely his momma shoulda told him: “you can look, honey, but don’t touch without being asked…”

    Must admit – this pup has been known to bite in similar situations… 😉

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