“As one of the Chicago Rubbermen, I am excited to share that for the third year in a row, the Rubbermen will be hosting a Gear Sale at MIR. This provides guys with a great opportunity to give their old gear a new life. You can bring your old stuff to sell for cash and buy gear for cheap from other guys who brought items, too. It’s great because it works faster than eBay, you can try stuff on right there, and if you’re selling gear you can get your cash that same weekend.
“The last three years have been great: people brought football pants, rubber gloves, gas masks, hoods, and jocks. One year a guy brought his boot collection which included lots of waders. Typically, gear sells anywhere from $0 (yep, some stuff is just GIVEN away) to well over $100. Some people have purchased nearly-new catsuits for as little as $75. So clean out your closet, gear box, or wherever you keep your stuff, because every year it keeps getting bigger! You never know what you might find! You can drop your stuff off on Friday, November 6 from 12pm to 5pm. The Gear Sale will be open as long as we have gear (12-5 all three days). Sunday, stop by as early as 12pm to see if your gear has sold or to “cash out”.– Timmay628

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