Nine Inch Nails

Recently, I was lucky enough to catch NINE INCH NAILS on their “Wave Goodbye” farewell tour. Seeing them live brought back some memories of discovering Kink when I was in my Teens. In particular, the video for “CLOSER” and “HAPPINESS IN SLAVERY” which are posted below. The lead singer, Trent Reznor, started off looking very Goth… but very open about his interests in BDSM as you’ll see in the videos.

I’ve also posted a photo of Trent Reznor NOW… who is incredibly handsome and has biceps like a UFC fighter. Damn.

(Posted with Andy & William in mind)

3 thoughts on “Nine Inch Nails

  1. The guy in the Happiness in Slavery video is Bob Flanagan, who was a sort of SM performance artist/activist. He made a documentary of his life and death called Sick. It’s really good. You should Netflix it.

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