Another Example of why not to “Party” with Wierdos

In July of 2007, 49-year-old Steven Bartley of Mooloolaba, Australia, and his unidentified boyfriend went to a local bar got hammered and met 34-year-old Christopher Jones and his unidentified male friend.

Anyway, somehow the group decided to go back to Steven’s apartment to have a gang bang with Steven’s boyfriend. But once they got back to his place, Steven smoked some weed and passed out while his boyfriend messed around with Christopher.

That was all good and fine. But when Christopher’s friend tried to join in on the fun, Steven’s boyfriend got annoyed. So he woke Steven up and told the guys to leave.

According to court documents, Christopher told Steven, “I’m not leaving until my friend has sex with your boyfriend.” So Steven shoved Christopher out the door and over the balcony railing.

Christopher fell 12 feet before landing on the concrete and suffering a fractured skull. He was rushed to the hospital and Steven was arrested.

Yesterday, Steven pleaded guilty to committing one count of grievous bodily harm and was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison.

From MikeinBama.

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