Wilson’s Leather

Below are some comments about Wilson’s Leather from a reader who, like me, had his first introduction to leather at the local mall in a Wilson’s Leather store.
In my eyes, Wilsons Leather was thee mainstream leather store. You didn’t go in there to buy a jacket and choose from leather and non-leather choices. No, you went in there to look at leather and only leather. And it was a mainstream concept! Mainstream hottie boys, for one of the first times, could go in to a leather store, and decide between leather. Leather was the be – all, end-all choice. Now, with the closing of the company, this will no longer be the case. Once again, mainstream hottie boys will go in to coat stores and leather will simply just be another option. GRRRRRRRRR. I am so sad.

Especially since Wilsons recently had been coming out with awesome cycle jackets and even leather hats! Leather baseball hats! It is not the fact that these things were avilable, it was the fact that they were being sold as mainstream items. An average dude was buying a leather baseball cap and thinking nothing of it being leather – it was just cool.

And so now, with the stores closing, leather will be regulated more and more to the “niche” market and less of the mainstream. This is very sad to me.

There are deals to be had at their website which is liquidating everything but it will be closed within months end.

Keep up the good work; we love you!

– Mark

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