Correct Flogging Position?

Hey all,

I was talking to a boy recently who told me he wanted to be flogged… the “Correct Way which is Laying Down” (face down). This is the first time I’ve heard of flogging in a position other than standing. I’ve always been taught it should be standing… aiming for the upper back. Always avoiding the lower area of the back because you could damage the kidneys.

I suppose a very talented experienced flogging top with great aim might bend those “rules”. I certainly don’t feel comfortable with it as a Top or bottom.

I’d like to hear your thoughts and opinions on Flogging Positions as a Top or bottom… especially what you think the correct position would is.

2 thoughts on “Correct Flogging Position?

  1. There is no “one true correct” position for flogging. You absolutely can flog someone who is lying down. You just aim for the upper back (and the ass, too, if you want). I prefer flogging in a standing position, but sometimes if you are in a small hotel room, your only easy choice is to have the bottom lying down on the bed.

    One bonus: gravity is a great advantage to putting more power to your stroke.

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