Free “Mr. S” Wedding Bands

AWWWW!! How sweet!!! I love it!!!

In celebration of gay weddings being legal as of today in California – we’re giving away a
pair of Mr. S ‘Wedding Bands’ to any queer couple that shows us they’ve gotten hitched.
Bring in your wedding certificate and we’ll give you a pair of our new welded-steel chains
and padlocks. These are smooth welded links – our way of ‘tying the knot’ for the long haul. Don’t get us wrong, wedding rings are romantic too, but as they say, “When you’re coming
to San Francisco, don’t forget to wear a padlock around your neck… um… flower in your…
um… Ok, fuck it – have fun and we look forward to seeing you all stop by!

One thought on “Free “Mr. S” Wedding Bands

  1. If both partners want to wear a collar, then it’s probably not a good idea for them to get married. Somebody is going to end up feeling unfulfilled. But they’re perfect for a Master that has two slaves.

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