Stun Gun

I am NOT an expert on Stun Guns. I want to point out that there is a huge difference in voltages in Stun Guns. The one in the photo above and video below is a low voltage Stun Gun available at Mr S. The high voltage ones are not something that should be toyed with.

From the Mr S Web Site:

This compact Stun Gun is only 150,000 volts and can be used as part of an S&M scene. Yes, it hurts when you hit someone with this charge… but maybe only like a bee sting or hot bacon grease popping onto your bare skin.

The mental anxiety is greater then the actual physical pain the boy may experience…. which is all part of the reason to use one of these in a scene. Stun guns used for real ‘protection’ should be over 400,000 to 600,000 volts.

If you used one of these 150,000 volts on a mugger, he’d probably just be pissed at you, take it away and then beat the shit out of you.

The Sound of this little bugger is actually as freighting as the actual sting…. so if the boy is blindfolded and he hears you circling him with this, he’ll know what ‘might’ happen to him… a panic usually sets in and you can use this to your advantage in a lot of different ways.

Adding this compact stun gun to your arsenal of toys will give you more control in your scene… and you never even actually need to touch the boy with it to get the desired results… or you can. Only $39.95.

Uses one 9Volt battery and has a safety lock.

(We recommend you only use electrical toys below the waist!)

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