IML 08 Friday

We didn’t attend any official package events (not really our thing) but there were plenty of other events we were looking forward to. On Friday, after shopping at the market for a few hours and catching up with more friends including our demented friends at Mr S and Marc Bowman from MaleBots, it was time to get ready for Friday night’s parties.

First up, was the CHICAGO RUBBERMEN “Rubber Meet the Meat” party. I wore my brand new Latex Catsuit with Codpiece from Mr S Leather, custom because my muscles are outgrowing my gear. All were welcome. This was a party for anyone with an interest in anything tight and shiny whether it be Rubber, Latex, Spandex, Neoprene, etc. RubberWillie of MIR attended and did the raffle for several prizes such as an MIR weekend package. Timmay628 offered to shine up the attendees in their rubber, too. Many took advantage of that. We had a geat turn out and hope to have another party in 09 at IML.

GEAR BLAST, GEAR BLAST, GEAR BLAST!! Everyone was excited for ScubaCSS and GearFetish’s GEARBLAST Party. Not the Recon party, not the contest, not even WOOF CAMP…. Which is a whole other blog topic.

The GEARBLAST party was soooo much fun. Every kind of Fetish you could think of was there it seemed. From guys in Full Hockey Goalie gear, Leather Racing Suits, Latex and Rubber, Wrestling Singlets…. Everything. There was no discrimination against what another person was wearing because everyone here had their own thing. It was a great place to show everyone your fetish and be introduced to other fetishes, too. ScubaCSS had gotten a great deal of donations from popular vendors including Slick It Up, Instigator and Gear Fetish which he gave away at a raffle later that night. While the prizes were a fantastic addition to the kinky night, the best part, just as he said at the end of the party, was how all these kinky folks were brought together to meet each other. Showing each other, you are not alone in your desires.

BIG HIGH FIVE goes out to ScubaCSS and Gear Fetish for putting together a great party.

Sadly, I didn’t get to attend much of WOOF CAMP. I wanted to. When I walked in, it had a definite vibe of division between those who were there to play and those who were there as a spectator or looking to learn about the Fetish. The room was set up (and time slot) for Trainers and Pups … and everyone else. You couldn’t really get to socialize with pups and Trainers as they were blocked off from everyone. I was told by one greeter that you had to either be a puppy or a trainer to truly enjoy the event. Kudos to those who organized WOOF CAMP. The set up was a great idea because it helped connect those who are truly interested in the fetish, but what about those novices who WANT to learn? I saw a lot of people walk in, stand in the spectator area…. and then leave.

The B.L.U.F. (Breeches Leather and Uniform Fanclub) was a big success, too, thanks to KAKE who despite working at the Recon booth was able to set up the party. Leather Cop Uniforms are my number one fetish so I was happily boned and drooling most of the event as were many others including our boys who we dressed up in leather uniforms. Damn, they were sexy. I got a chance to talk with many members and BLUF and non-members, too. I wish I had gotten more photos.

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