Early Childhood Kink

Early Childhood Kink

On the way to yet another leather or rubber clad superhero movie, my buddy Mike and I started talking about our earliest childhood fetishes and kinky experiences based off of Movies and TV. The conversation was full of a lot of “Oh, yeah, I remember that movie!” and “yeah, I tied myself up with that, too!”. Here’s a few of those memories. I included links to youtube where possible.

– Ted Danson in “CREEPSHOW”. Buried in the beach sand while Leslie Nielson interogates him. Slowly, the tide comes in.

– “GI JOE: THE MOVIE”: a scene in COBRA’s native land, the trees come alive with vines, mummifying my favorite Joes. Go to 8:58 in the video.

– The very cute Mackenzie Astin in “GARBAGE PAIL KIDS” abducted by Punks, left unconscious in the dark and wet sewer… tied to a steel pipe.

– While the Road Runner and Wiley Coyote aren’t sexually appealing, I was very curious to see how that rubber tire Wiley was using to capture the Road Runner would feel wrapped around my body after it backfired and wrapped him up. I took an old inner tube from a bike tire, stretched it as far as it’d go … and wrapped myself up in. Today…. I have latex wrapping strips for such continued desires.

– While everyone thought that Gary Coleman being kidnapped in “DIFFERENT STROKES” was terrifying, I thought it exhilarating as a kid. So, I enlisted my older next door neighbor Jason to assist me in my fantasy. I told him “Let’s Play Kidnapping!”. He seemed eager to put on the ski mask. The things he did to me definitely sparked future interest as found other excuses to be tied up by friends. Even making up a game called “War Games” … which had no real plot other than to get Ruffy tied up. I look back and laugh at this because I was THAT desperate to get tied up back then (and now).

– Of course there were the photos from the “HARDY BOYS” books and finding hot guys tied up by busty women (Yeck!) on the USA Channel’s late Saturday night “movies”.

– And this would be my very earliest memory. The one that really stands out. I shared this with my buddy Richard while in SF…..

I was watching Scooby Doo, couldn’t of been more than 5-6 years old. The gang was in a dark plane hanger when a hoist hook grabs Freddie (Oh, I fancied Blondes back then) and yanks him off the ground. As the group tries to find a switch to bring him down, Freddie looks at the camera and says “I feel like a side of beef”. I distinctly remember asking my Mom… “what does it mean to be a side of Beef… because I wanna try it!”. (She knew I was kinky by age 10)

Recently, while at Mr S Leather in San Francisco, I experienced some suspension play. While hoisted 10 feet off the ground, I looked down at my friend hoisting me up…and yeah… I had to do it…..I said it.

“I feel like a Side of Beef!”

Silly as it may sound, the experience in SF gave me yet another reminder that there’s nothing wrong with me. These feelings and interests I’ve had since I was a kid are perfectly fine.

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