CLAW in Cleveland

I wasn’t planning on going to CLAW this year but as I stood at a gate for Chicago… I saw one for Cleveland. What the hell, I’m going.

Glad I did. It was loads of fun.

I went to the first two CLAWs in Cleveland many years ago and I wasn’t all that impressed. The event has clearly grown and become something I doubt anyone expected. Some highlights:

– The Market was actually pretty good. Lots to pick from.

– The Banquet Dinner was worth the $. I ate cow while wearing cow. It was also very nice to get to sit and chat with the guys from LA&M although they were pooped from working the LA&M booth.

– Seeing so many of my club brothers of ICON Detroit was great. We are so very proud of them and the progress of the CLUB as well as their work with the community. They Rock. I had pretty much stepped away from the Leather Club scene years ago but it was very refreshing to see how the brotherhood in the clubs is alive and strong. Especially in ICON Detroit.

– So many choices of things to do. Go to the Jock Party? The Bondage and Discipline Party? Something for everyone.

– I regretfully missed the Carnival Games of the weekend (I…uh… was busy) but EVERYONE said it was hilarious. Basically, they took a large hall and made kinky carnival games like throwing a Dildo into Dubya’s mouth and…well… use your imagination.

– I’d have to say my favorite part was having a Trolley (shuttle) that took you from the hotel to other bars all weekend. A Trolley full of men in fetish gear driving around having a blast, shouting at hookers and gay boys making out in parking lots was a good laugh.

I’ll definitely go next year and also make sure that the Chicago Rubbermen have some sort of involvement with the festivities.

See ya there!


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