Bondage Encouraged, but NO BUTTSEX!

Needless to say, over the last year we have received a very, very warm welcome to Chicago by old and new friends.

At first, we agreed to keep it small because there’s no way we could possible house everyone at our new duplex for a NYE party. Not like other parties we have been to this year in Chicago (and previous years) where it was wall to wall people in a condo/apt. But, you know, you just can’t turn a blind eye on your your extended family when they’ve been deeply involved with your move to a new city. You have to invite them all. Many of them didn’t have plans this year and the more I thought about it, they really don’t mind being in close quarters to each other so it’d be okay if our place was packed. I mean, hello! We spent the last year with them going to IML, MAL, MIR, halloween parade/parties, movies, 6 Flags, dinner parties, dinners, concerts… and don’t forget those numerous nights of consuming slushies at Sidetrack(s)… and sobering up afterwards at Clark’s on Belmont.

So, the small poorly conceived idea for a small NYE party snowballed from there. Fuck It. Invite anyone that didn’t have plans. Although, some did change their plans to be here because they liked the theme and heard there would be bound boys in straitjackets involved.

So, the small gathering turned rather large… and it worked out GREAT. They were upstairs. They were downstairs. They were in the playroom. Playful bondage encouraged but no Buttsex as we were not about to clean up anybody’s Santorum the next day. The theme of the night was “New Year in Gear”. Everyone came dressed in (or changed into) fetish attire of some sort whether it was Football Uniforms, Soccer Gear, Leather, Motorcycle gear, etc. To add to the theme, my husband mummified “hickboy” to use as a serving platter for veggies and dip. He was there a good 3-4 hours.

“WhtBraces” made anyone who came without gear on to strip of their clothes and then he auctioned off their underwear. “Mayor Mc Cheesecake” was holding court once again. Gawd, love him. Oh, and his husband wouldn’t stop grabbing my nipples so I punched him in his pace maker. (JK!) He did a fun and touching entry about his trip on his LJ.

I spent part of the day putting together a DVD slideshow of all the photos I took (or stole! LOL!) in 2007. The photos were of outings, events and inside jokes that party goers would recognize. It was a BIG hit. All 600 photos… and video!

Just before the ball dropped (no pun intended) we followed a tradition shown to us a friend which is giving away a lottery ticket to wish everyone good luck in 2008.

And then, my husband made a very moving speech that got him all choked up. It went something like this:

“We would like to thank you all for coming to our home to celebrate the new year. We know many of you came from very far away to be with us to night. (Somebody yells “Schaumburg!”) You may have noticed that earlier tonight, Ruff put up an updated frame of Ticket Stubs on our bathroom wall. As I was looking at the updates, I realized how many of them were from events within the last year…. and how so many of you were AT the events with us. This is something we have always wanted while living in Toledo. Loving friends…. FAMILY. So, we’d like to toast to you… our friends and family…. new and old… who made our first year in Chicago a very warm and loving experience. We love you guys. Toast. Happy New Year”.

I love my man.

What a great start to a New Year.

As people left, they all asked the same thing…. “You ARE having one again next year, right?”.


UPDATE: 4 “New Year in Gear” Parties later, the “No Buttsex” rule has been abolished.  Especially, after a certain friend who got fisted stayed around until 4am to help clean up the party.    *HUG!!!*

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