Mr Chicago Leather & Fireside Chat with Mr Marcus

Although most people who attend the Mr Chicago Leather Contest travel in on Friday, we’d like to invite you to come out 1 day earlier this year. For what? The Leather Archives and Museum will be having a special guest. An elite member of the Leather Community who has lots of history. Please join us for a live and interactive oral “Fireside Chat with Mr. Marcus” of the Bay Area Reporter. Just how oral can Mr. Marcus get? You’ll have to show up to find out what kinky and funny stories he has to share with us regarding his life in the leather community over the past… um… few years. He will also answer questions and invite you to share your stories as well. We expect this to be a intimate night of humor, intimate discussions and … well, lots of dirty talk.

Doors open at 6:30 pm on Jan 24, 2008 with beverage services by the Windy City boys Troop. There is no charge for the event but donations towards the LA&M will be appreciated.

Besides being another excuse to get together and enjoy our comradery, this is a perfect event for anyone just getting into the Leather & Fetish scene who is looking to learn more about the community, Leather, Fetish and BDSM and also it’ll be a great way to make new friends. We hope to see you there!

This is the invite I wrote for the LA&M that was published on the web page and also used for PR. This is written in a sort of tongue in cheek humor and at the same time, I highly recommend attending this event. Especially any “newbies” just getting into the scene. This would be a great way to learn about the history of the leather community as well as make new friends.

If you would like more information, contact me.


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