MIR Rubber Market

Mr International Rubber weekend is in full swing. boy Clay and I headed down to check out the market when it opened at noon today… so we could have first picks at the goods for sale. Here’s the scoop on the market:

Rubber Market Scoop:
20% off all orders made the Invincible Rubber booth. My other half ordered a catsuit. I am considering the military green uniform.

The Recon booth has a lot of gear with their on it. Jocks, Shirts, Soccer Jerseys, Caps etc.

THE LATEX STORE, has a lot of Invincible and Honor Rubber gear.

KINKY KING doesn’t have a web site up yet but he has hoods and other misc gear as well as well made booklets of merchandise for you to look through and hopefully order from.

Then there’s Squirm at Rubberzone. Standing alone in a poorly lit spot. Ack! 🙁

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