Birthday, Moving, Job(s), Halloween Costumes & Good Friends

The move to our newly purchased condo is in full swing now that I have returned from an “obligated” trip back to Toledo for my birthday. We have about 12 good friends coming over at 10ish tomorrow to help us move as well as 2 hired movers for the heavy stuff. We plan on having a “Wii & Dinner Party” later on this month to thank them for their help. I may also wrangle a few into helping us paint the playroom since a couple said they “love to paint”. Wierdos.

I took a 3rd part time job (I must be nuts) at an electronics store until I’m called for training at the job I really want which will be in Jan/Feb. I’m also working on the spare room in our place to make it look like a professional massage therapy studio.

And… once again, my favorite holiday is being compromised by higher priorities. I *WILL* get a chance to wear my Spandex Fantastic Four Movie Costume this weekend, damn it! It lights up like Johnny Storm, too!

I’m going to be without “the interwebs” (Dubya line) for at least 3 days. When I get it back, I’ll be posting more of the Kinky Vids & Pics y’all came here looking for.


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