“Wierd” Fetishes: for a quick laugh

This was sent to me by my bud Dave in SF.

We are all familiar with how sexy some gear is. Fetishes range mainly on the type of material and then the way that it is played with. From Rubber shorts to leather restraints. But, there are some wrong things.. Here’s a list I was amused to find….
  1. ex Nascar dads
  2. Saran Wrap muumuus
  3. Prostate decoupage
  4. Consumer electronics owners manuals read aloud through a snorkel by a sunburnt pygmy wearing a fruit leather saddle
  5. Yodeling quadriplegics
  6. Genital goatees
  7. Cholesterol play
  8. Abusive Hasidim
  9. Freudian psychotherapy
  10. Wally/Beaver role-playing
  11. Inconsolable weeping
  12. Penis inside orifice
  13. Loofahed eyeballs
  14. Average-looking mommies in baggy cotton sweatsuits
  15. Sign language dirty talk
  16. Cakehole composting
  17. Placenta taunting
  18. Homeless veterans
  19. Facial mole depilation
  20. Comatose disciplinarians
  21. Posterior Cheez-Wiz induction
  22. Funeral processions
  23. Hannity & Colmes
  24. Forced jazzercise
  25. The War on Terror
  26. Singed elbow hair
  27. Being pummeled like a human piƱata until vomiting seaweed salad over a bed of sushi rice artfully arranged at the feet of a Toshiro Mifune mannequin
  28. The crunch of Zwieback
  29. Vintage taxidermy groping
  30. Chemotherapy
  31. National Public Radio
  32. Salmon roe gargling
  33. She-Hulk
  34. String theory
  35. Inclement weather
  36. Yahtzee! prodigies
  37. Emotionally unavailable mulattos
  38. Arthritic knuckle worship
  39. Self-immolation
  40. Disembodied animal lips sewn to a kite flying over kindergarteners at recess
  41. Greasy public telephones
  42. Armed robbery reenactments
  43. Cellulite dimples
  44. Lethal Injections
  45. Doin’ it in a Subaru
  46. Kevin Costner impersonators
  47. Auto-voyeurism
  48. Liverwurst thongs
  49. Stern giantesses in Wal-Mart aprons
  50. Still-warm buttock imprints on vinyl-upholstered diner booths

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