
I am not the kind of person that anxiously awaits the next episode of any TV program so it’s a big deal to me to say I have a new favorite TV show, which would be “Reaper“. It’s a supernatural comedy that’s like “Buffy” meets “Men in Black” meets “Ghostbusters”… at Home Depot/Sam’s Club. Working for the devil, the lead character, Bret Harrison, has to capture escaped demons from hell with items the devil has given him…. such as a Dirt Devil. The comedy is great and the first episode was directed by the hilarious Kevin Smith (Dogma, Chasing Amy, Jay & Silent Bob).

Last night’s episode had me drooling.

This isn’t the best picture but it’s the only one I found. While battling an Electro-Demon, the boy’s have to suit up for protection…. in Neoprene Wetsuits. Bret Harrison looked incredible. I had to rewind and watch that part of the show a 2nd time because I didn’t catch it the first time around. I was….uh… distracted.

You can watch the full episode online.

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