One thought on “Flogging

  1. SIR, I was once being spanked by my BF… years ago, SIR. I was not restrained in any way, and he was hitting me pretty hard with a leather paddle, SIR. After a very short time, I felt a feeling building. It’s hard for me to explain, SIR, but it had to do with coming to grips with the pain. I’ll be the first to admit that my cock gets hard the second someone tells me to bend over for a spanking, SIR. And I very quickly turn into a big baby. 😉 This one time, though, a feeling was building, SIR, very similar to the feeling before an orgasm, to be more specific. Endorphins, probably, SIR. I was very close to the top, about to crest this building wave, SIR, and I squirmed away. I told my bf about it afterwards, SIR. I’m not sure why I squirmed away, SIR, but have remembered that scene ever since… And I’ve always wondered what was over the top of that wave, SIR.

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